Friday, December 08, 2006

NASA delays shuttle launch due to weather

By Jennifer King,
WNS US Correspondent

CAPE CANAVERAL - The launch of the US space shuttle Discovery was delayed by poor weather for at least 24 hours Thursday, just minutes before the rocket was to blast off on a rare night flight. The seven astronauts were in place for lift-off towards the International Space Station (ISS), but low-lying clouds forced a last-minute postponement of the 9:35 pm (0235 GMT Friday) blastoff. "The launch of Space Shuttle Discovery has been scrubbed due to poor weather conditions at the Kennedy Space Centre in Florida," NASA said in a statement.

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration was expected to announce a new launch time later Thursday. The weather forecast for a Friday launch, however, was discouraging with only a 10 percent chance of favourable conditions. The mission was to be the first night launch since the Endeavour flight of November 23, 2002. The three missions following the Columbia disaster of February 2003 took place during daylight as a safety precaution.


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