Sunday, December 10, 2006

Israeli PM calls for 'drastic measures' on Iran's nuclear programme

By Andrew Keith,
WNS Germany Bureau Chief

BERLIN - Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert called on the international community to take "much more drastic measures" regarding Iran's nuclear activities, while Israel would keep all options open towards Tehran, including military force. Olmert made the comments in an interview in German weekly Der Spiegel, to be published Monday, in which he was asked about a "hesistant" international response to Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad. "I am waiting for much more drastic actions to be taken," he said, according to an advance copy of the interview.

With visits to Berlin and Rome planned next week, the Israeli leader said he wanted "to speak about effective measures which can be accepted by the international community." In order "to stop the Iranian danger," Olmert said "nothing is excluded", including a military attack. As for possible direct talks between the United States and Iran, he said: "Anything done to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons is a step in the right direction."

Israel and the US accuse Iran of using its civil nuclear programme as a cover for secretly developing weapons, which Tehran denies. For his part, Ahmadinejad has had strong words about the Jewish state, saying his goal is to "wipe" Israel off the map. Iran has refused demands by the UN Security Council to suspend its programme of enriching uranium which can be used to fuel nuclear energy but also to develop atomic weapons.


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