Monday, November 06, 2006

Moroccan airline bans prayer time

By Dennis Louis,
WNS Africa Bureau Chief

RABAT - Morocco's state airline Royal Air Maroc has banned its staff praying at their offices and headquarters. The company says that in the past its workers have abused the privilege of praying, by taking too much time away from their desks and their customers. But the airline's workers as well as Islamist politicians say it is part of a crackdown on their religious freedom. Praying is one of the five pillars of Islam and regarded as a crucial part of a Muslim's way of life.

The state airline, partly owned by the Moroccan royal family, is a great source of pride and prestige in the country. But this latest move threatens to exacerbate divisions in Morocco. Workers say that they have been banned from praying at work and that a number of prayer rooms have been closed and that they are forbidden from going to the mosque during work hours. The company would not give an interview but issued a statement saying that while there is no official ban on praying, they had to do something to stop people taking lengthy breaks away from work.

But critics say the issue of praying, like the veil, is part of a more sinister move to rob the country of its Islamic roots. Other complaints from airline staff are that pilots and stewards were not allowed to fast during the month of Ramadan and that female staff are not allowed to wear the veil - although that has been an unwritten rule at many companies for several years. These issues are becoming a focal point for some very hard questions being asked of this moderate Arabic country - something that is causing serious friction between liberals and traditionalists.


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