Friday, November 24, 2006

Ex-Russian spy dies in hospital

By Sam Mackintosh,
WNS Europe Bureau Chief

LONDON - Alexander Litvinenko, the ex-Russian spy who said he was the victim of a poisoning, has died in hospital. Mr Litvinenko, 43, died on Thursday evening and the cause of his condition is still being investigated, said University College Hospital, London. Scotland Yard said officers were now investigating "an unexplained death". Friends say the former KGB agent was poisoned three weeks ago because of his criticism of the Russian government. The Kremlin has denied any involvement. Alex Goldfarb, speaking on behalf of Mr Litvinenko's family outside the hospital, said: "We are all shocked and horrified at this terrible crime. Tonight is a night of mourning." He added that his friend had died with "a clear conscience, a clear heart and with dignity".

Mr Litvinenko, who defected to the UK in 2000 and was later granted asylum after claiming persecution and took citizenship, fell ill on November 1 after a series of meetings in central London. He was initially admitted to Barnet General Hospital, north London, hours later before being transferred to University College Hospital on 17 November as his condition worsened. His condition deteriorated further when he suffered a heart attack overnight on Wednesday and he died in intensive care. Hospital spokesman Jim Down said: "Every avenue was explored to establish the cause of [Mr Litvinenko's] condition and the matter is now an ongoing investigation being dealt with by detectives from New Scotland Yard. "Because of this we will not be commenting any further on this matter. Our thoughts are with Mr Litvinenko's family."

Mr Litvinenko had recently been investigating the murder of Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya, another critic of the Putin government. In an interview with Friday's Times newspaper, film-maker Andrei Nekrasov said he had spoken to Mr Litvinenko, a close friend, hours before he fell unconscious for the last time. He said Mr Litvinenko told him: "I want to survive, just to show them. The bastards got me but they won't get everybody."


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