Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Rice launches Korea crisis tour

By Takeshi Hiroto,
WNS Tokyo Correspondent

TOKYO - US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has arrived in Japan on the first leg of an Asian tour to discuss the new UN sanctions against North Korea. Her trip is likely to put pressure on Asian countries, especially China, to enforce these measures. Ms Rice said Washington had no desire to see the crisis escalate, but added that the US would protect its allies in the face of a North Korean threat. Ms Rice's trip is aimed at rallying support to implement sanctions fully in line with the UN resolution passed last week.

"It is extremely important to recognise that this is a set of obligations under 1718 that I think all states are determined to carry out, " Ms Rice said on her flight to Tokyo. She is also to visit South Korea, China and Russia. She said she would use her talks in Tokyo and Seoul to reaffirm Washington's commitment to the military defence of the two countries. "The way to deal with the security threat (North Korea) poses it to draw on the very strong alliances that we have with South Korea and Japan on which they can fully rely for their security from this specific threat," she said.

Concerns remain that the North might conduct another nuclear test. Renewed activity has been reported at last week's test site, and both South Korea and Japan say they have intelligence of possible preparation for a second test. The North itself is showing no signs of backing down in the face of international pressure. On Tuesday night it staged a huge sound and light show to mark the 80th anniversary of the party which was precursor to the current rulers, the Communist Workers Party.


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