Monday, October 16, 2006

Police back Katsav rape charges

By Shawn Arnold,
WNS Jerusalem Correspondent

JERUSALEM - Israeli police say there is enough evidence to charge President Moshe Katsav with rape and wire-tapping. Attorney General Menachem Mazuz must now decide whether to press charges. President Katsav is due to open the winter session of parliament on Monday, but a number of deputies have already threatened to walk out if he attends. The president denies claims that he forced two female employees to have sex with him, and all other allegations against him. He has said he is the victim of a "public lynching without trial or investigation".

The police statement said: "There is sufficient evidence indicating that in several cases... the president carried out acts of rape, forced sexual acts, sexual acts without consent and sexual harassment. There is sufficient evidence indicating violation of the law banning wire-tapping by the president," it added. The statement said police also found basis for charges of fraud and malfeasance in office concerning presidential pardons granted by the president - one of the few powers of his office. Police searched the president's home in August after allegations of sexual harassment emerged, and have questioned him repeatedly and seized documents during the investigation.

Israeli media reports have said the case is based on complaints from up to 10 women. The 61-year-old father-of-five has rejected calls that he quit the largely ceremonial post that he has held since 2000. If charged, he would be immune from prosecution. However, he could be impeached by parliament if it felt he had acted inappropriately.


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