Friday, October 20, 2006

Chinese envoy hopeful on N Korea

By Huang Zhi Xuan,
WNS Northeast Asia Bureau Chief

BEIJING - A high-level Chinese envoy has returned from North Korea expressing optimism about the mounting nuclear crisis. Tang Jiaxuan, who met North Korea's reclusive leader Kim Jong-il, said his visit had "not been in vain". China is North Korea's closest ally and has publicly warned the North not to test another weapon.

Mr Tang was speaking to US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, who has stepped up calls for UN sanctions against the North to be fully implemented. Ms Rice, who is in China as part of an Asian tour to rally support against North Korea, held talks with Chinese Foreign Minster Li Zhaoxing on Friday. Ms Rice said the two discussed implementing UN sanctions imposed after Pyongyang's 9 October nuclear test and described the talks as "very fruitful". The meeting comes amid concern North Korea is planning a second test, and reports that China has threatened to cut off vital oil supplies if it goes ahead.

Mr Tang, who went to North Korea on Thursday with a special message from China's President Hu Jintao, told Ms Rice: "Fortunately my visit this time has not been in vain". He did not elaborate, publicly, on the goals of his visit. But China's foreign minister, Li Zhaoxing, later said Mr Tang had spoken to the North Korean leader about how to kick-start six-nation talks on resolving North Korea's nuclear ambitions which have been stalled since late 2005. "At least it increased mutual understanding. Everyone discussed how to restart progress in the six-party talks as quickly as possible," Mr Li said. North Korea has stated that it wants US financial and other sanctions lifted before it will consider resuming the talks, which have stalled for over a year. Some analysts say North Korea's nuclear test made the talks meaningless.


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